Tuesday 23 April 2019

Why Tree Lopping or Pruning Should be Done in Winter

Tree maintenance is an ongoing process, it should be done frequently to make your trees stay healthy. There is no good or bad time for tree lopping. Many of us think that winter is not an appropriate time to carry tree pruning. But experts say that it is the right time for tree lopping as this process increases fruit production in fruit-bearing trees.


Tree lopping results in an exceptional growth as the warm season arrives and here the array of advantages for trees with lopping services:

·        When tree lopping is done during the winter season, a few diseases that spread during spring can be avoided. When coming to winter the insects, fungi, and bacteria are in the dormant state, so the tree doesn't get affected.

·        If you live in the areas where the ground freezes in winter, it’s easy for heavy equipment to approach your garden without damaging your landscape. Usually, in winters the tree lopping costs less, so you save some bucks.


·        Arborists also suggest pruning in the winter because, when you prune your trees in winter, you cannot notice any new growth immediately as the trees would be in a dormant state. So you can see new growth in summer instantly.

·        Pruning helps trees heal the wounds in winter before the bud breaks. So the trees are less stressed and are good for tree health.

·        Trees that effect with various diseases and pests become extremely dangerous in the winter season. So it is better to prune in winter to help your trees stay safer and promote new growth once the season becomes favorable.


The above facts say that tree lopping is best in winter for the good health of your tree. So do you want to consult a professional tree arborist, visit https://www.brisbanetreeexperts.com.au/tree-lopping/